Sandecoshield is used for protection of last coat and decorative effect paintings, textured systems on exterior and interior faces of buildings.
– Provides durable finish and features low dirt pick up on the surface it’s applied on;
– With its high capacity of water repellent feature it acts as a barrier against moisture.
– Due to its high vapor permeability, it allows surface to discharge the steam and breathe;
– As it is water-based, it is harmless to human health and environment.
The surface must be clean, dry, free from dust, oil, grease and laitance etc. All traces of release agents must be removed. On chalky and dusty surfaces, all loose material must be removed by stiff bristle brushing.
After completion of surface preparation, mix well SANDECOSHIELD by diluting it with (maximum) 25-30% of fresh water. Apply two coats with a brush and wait minimum 6 hours before applying the second layer.
– The environment of application must be kept between +5°C to +35°C within 24 hours during and after the application.
Allow 5-6 hours for touch dry, 8 hours for hardening dry and 24 hours for complete dry at 23˚C environment conditions.
Depending on surface smoothness, porosity and application methods, for a single coat application;
– 1 lt covers 8,5-11 m² of surface.
– 1 kg covers 8,5-11 m² of surface.
– The paint consumption for 1 m2 area is 90-120 ml and 90-120 gr