Sandeco - Decopia



It can be used for decorative and protective purposes on all kinds of surfaces such as wooden, wall, concrete panels, and satin plaster regardless of old painted or newly painted surfaces.



– Thanks to special prismatic mother of pearls that it includes, 3 different colors can be seen depending on lightening and point of view

– It can be wiped with water.

– Due its high vapor permeability, it allows surface to discharge the steam and breathe

– As it is water-based, it is harmless to human health and environment

– It provides a pleasant odour in the application environments with its perfumed feature.




After removing all kinds of dirt, grease, bloated paint and dust from the application surface, the surface defects should be corrected with SAN DECO ACRYLIC PUTTY INTERIOR and undercoated with SAN DECO UNIPRIMER. It is advised to use SAN DECO DECOPLAS matt interior paint with desired color on primer applied before DECOPLAS should be dilueted for 20% in volume with clean water; then applied in two coats with roller or brush without allowing traces. 4 hours should be allowed between each coat.


• After undercoat is dried, DECOPIA is applied on surface as one coat with brush or roller by diluting 3-5% with water. Preferred method of application is with special brush application
• The environment of application must be kept between +5°C to +35°C within 24 hours during and after the application.


Allow 2-3 hours for touch dry and 24 hours for complete dry at 23˚C environment conditions.


Depending on the surface smoothness, its porosity and the application methods, for a single coat application:
– 1 lt covers 16,5 – 20,0 m² of surface
– 1 kg covers 16,5 – 20,0 m2 of surface
– The paint consumption for 1 m2 area is 50–60 ml and 50–60 gr.