Sandeco - Acrylic Putty Interior

Acrylic Putty Interior


Used as lower layer material in smoothing concrete and mineral plastered rough surfaces and cleaning the blistered portions and removing defects in old paint surfaces.

Acrylic Putty Interior


– High adherence and aspiration ability,

– Good spreading feature and easy to apply,

– Decreases paint consumption / wastage,

– Not much chalking during sanding process,

– Smooths the surface with maximum 2 coats,

– As it is water-based, it is harmless to human health and environment.



Clean all dirt, oil, blistered paint and dust off the application surface.


• ACRYLIC PUTTY INTERIOR must be mixed thoroughly prior to application,
• ACRYLIC PUTTY INTERIOR must be applied with steel trowel, in one or two coats depending on the surface roughness,
• 24 hours after the application of the putty, the defects on the surface and trowel marks must be smoothed with sandpaper,
• The environment of application must be kept between +5°C to +35°C within 24 hours during and after the application.


Allow 4-6 hours for touch dry and 24 hours for complete dry at 23˚C environment conditions.


Depending on surface smoothness, porosity and application methods, for a single coat application;
– 1 lt covers 3,0– 5,8 m² of surface,
– 1 kg covers 1,7– 3,3 m2 of surface,
– The paint consumption for 1 m2 area is 170 -340 ml and 300 – 600 gr.