We Take Place In The Market With New Products In The New Year

We Take Place In The Market With New Products In The New Year

We export more than 90 percent of its production in San Deco, “a collection of 50 years in Turkey” in the domestic market under the slogan is preparing to come forward. The brand will present five new products to its target audience in 2017.

San Deco is a world-renowned brand for its quality and design style. The company follows the world trends and reflects new textures, colors and effects to its products. Gülperi Odabaş, Chairman of the Board of Directors, attributes their success to their ability to act synchronously with their business partners.

You are a successful brand that has made a name in many countries of the world. Can we learn the story of your success and your production volume?

San Deco is a company operating in the sector since 1965. Our production process has been carried out with an experience for 50 years, with an advanced emphasis on aspects such as management, quality and environment. We determine our production activity by taking the pulse of the variable market dynamics in three continents with different tastes and expectations. Although every country is a market for us, every market also constitutes a value for us. In order to respond to the expectations of all these markets, we create a concept by using the balance of experience and creativity correctly, and we support our customers to turn this concept into an opportunity.

San Deco has an R&D department that can meet all kinds of needs with its experience and modern equipment. We use technological developments in our factory’s quality efficiency and Lean studies as well as in our products. All operations of San Deco are integrated with the ERP system. Unlike a traditional paint manufacturer, San Deco offers its customers products and solutions suitable for their markets. It also works to improve the supply chain and stocking costs of its business partners. Our ability to act synchronously with our business partners is the most important reason for our success.

Your decorative paints are among your remarkable works.

In this period when innovation means sustainability, San Deco follows world trends and reflects new textures, colors and effects to its products. Decorative paints are one of San Deco’s strongest areas. Developing and changing technology is followed by our R&D team and studies are carried out for decorative product adaptation. We also conduct research for creative work, architectural suggestions and demands. For this purpose, we have an architectural team that designs colors, textures and effects for the San Deco brand. There is a design studio where all of San Deco employees come together to exchange ideas and gain new experiences.

In fact, many of the new product ideas emerge in these works. Later, the subject is transferred to the R&D department to investigate the feasibility of this idea. Here, we are talking about a very interactive process where material research is also very intensive. We keep pace with an intense travel tempo to follow the developments in the world. We especially strive to attend relevant fairs. Although it is very assertive in decorative products, it is included in the product range in plastic emulsion paints, construction paints and high technology products. As in many sectors, as the regional needs are different, the diversity of the market brings along product diversity.

How does serving a rich geography reflect on your product portfolio?

It is a known fact that food culture changes according to geographies. The culture and geography of decorative flavors excites us. Different decorative flavors reflect the identity of that culture. Thanks to our product range that we have created according to different geographies, we can address a wide variety of decorative expectations. Our company has a multicolored, multilingual and multicultural structure. In this way, it is very easy to predict what performance a new product will have in which geography. Different countries mean different tastes. Therefore, the demands of the market can become the driving force for our new product development. For example; It may not be possible to sell a product that you can easily sell to Europe to the Middle East. Although the products have intersections, it is necessary to create and introduce a different marketing strategy for each country. At this point, as San Deco, we are preparing a different setup for each country.

What strategy will you follow in the market in 2017? new investments on the agenda, is there any product or market searches?

For 2017, we have a particular restructuring efforts at Turkey market. San Deco has a very effective identity in exports and we want to make this identity recognizable in our own geography. “50 years of collections in Turkey,” the slogan we prepare to launch our work we aim to deliver on many different professional activity. We want to be more active especially in construction projects from 2017 on.The decision makers in projects are usually architects, so we will be informing architects of our existence. San Deco is a company that exports more than 90 percent of its production and we will continue to maintain this balance. We have five new products that we will launch as of 2017.

New product development is an ongoing process for us. We also have products that have completed the R&D process to a certain extent and are in the testing phase. When we complete these products, we will offer them to the appropriate markets at the right time. We live in an age where everything is consumed very quickly, and therefore, constantly seeking innovation is inevitable in competitive conditions. Innovation is a concept that is really well understood by every friend in San Deco. It is very important for us that everyone has an innovative point of view and can express themselves freely. In 2017, we will concentrate on South America as the new market. In addition, we plan to increase our current market shares with new product launches.

Paint is one of the most important design materials for both interior and exterior spaces. What is the importance of paint in the formation of space identity?

Efekt grubu iç mekânları kişiselleştirmek ve özelleştirmek adına boya alternatifi içindeki en iyi yöntemdir. Görsel konfor, eylemler ile renk arasındaki ilişkilerin doğru kurulmasına bağlıdır. Renklerin etkisiyle huzurlu bir atmosfer veya uyarıcı çalışmaya teşvik edici etkiler oluşturulabilir. Hacmi en geniş kapsamda elinde tutan renk; bütünlüğün ve kütlesel formlar arasındaki geçişlerin sağlanmasında en önemli rolü oynar. Dünyanın varoluşuyla beraber ortaya çıkan renk, hayatın her alanında istenilen algıyı yaratmak için kullanılacak ve her zaman var olacaktır. Ergonomi ve konforun vazgeçilmez tamamlayıcısı olan boya, aslında tasarımın imzasıdır. Bunu en doğru ve estetik biçimde sunmak ise San Deco’nun tasarım ilkelerinin en başında gelir.

Turkey, it is among the largest paint producer countries in Europe. How do you find the development of your industry??

The Turkish paint market grew by 3% -4% in 2015. The same rate of growth is expected in 2016. Turkey is Europe’s 5th and paint manufacturer has a worldwide market share of around 2%. It is now making rapid progress as the 4th producer. Sectoral Turkey as our competitiveness when we compare with Europe seems quite high. According to the dye unit is lower than the cost of Turkey in Europe represents a significant advantage for the Turkish paint industry. As there is a standstill in the European market as well as in the whole world, it is necessary to focus on emerging markets.

Can you give examples of other projects you offer solutions?

Çağlayan Bedaş Administrative Building in Istanbul, Viaport Marina and ViaVenezia projects of Via – Tema İnşaat, Akfen Holding A.Ş., AkfenLoft construction site, Alarko Alsit Şazi Bey Villas, Anı Tur A.Ş. , Arman Ulusoy Mimar’s Kalyon Otelcilik ve Turizm Paz. A.S. project, Atilla Tacir Beykoz Konakları Villa, AXA Oyak Hayat Sigorta A.Ş., Bahçeşehir University İnş. and Mim. A.Ş., ChanGa Restaurant-Bar Taksim, Marmara University Fine Arts Academy, Miamenza Restaurant, ModYapım’s Sezen Aksu Mansion, Istanbul Rotary Club, Polo Garge Store, Sarar Büyük Mağazacılık Tic., Süzer Koru Villas, Vetrina İç ve Dış Tic. . Ltd. Şti. and Vetrina Store İstinye Park Shopping Center projects. Folkart Time and FolkartTowers projects in cooperation with Saya Group – Folkart in Izmir; Elysıium Miramar Bodrum and Elysıum Premium projects of Ofton İnşaat in Muğla.