Making a name for itself with its water-based interior and exterior paints as well as functional paints, auxiliary products and stencil series products, San Deco draws attention with its innovative works in the paint industry. Finally, the company, which enables its employees to receive “sign language” training, aims to reach a wider audience with its renewed website.

San Deco, which has signed a project that makes a difference to increase the sensitivity in communication, Special Title Educational Institutions affiliated to the T.C. Ministry of National Education provided 120 hours of basic and 120 hours of practical training by Hülya Yağız Kavak, the Turkish Language Sign Language Instructor. Employees who passed the exam successfully were given “sign language” training certificates, which is the non-verbal language of the hearing impaired.

The new website is on the air…

The new website, in which the knowledge and experience of San Deco in the field of effect paints are presented effectively with a brand new content, has been launched. In this new website of San Deco, there is a section where you can get extensive information about the San Deco Design Academy, details of the training modules for those who want to study, a brief information about the trainers and an application form.

In addition to the section containing detailed information about the San Deco product range, there is also a special section for frequently asked questions, architects and design-oriented employees. It is possible to find detailed information about the dealership concept on the new website, where you can also access information and addresses about San Deco dealers.